(aka Gerd Mittag)
Born in 1969 in Kiel, Germany, as Gerd Mittag I lived through a varied, artistically shaped youth until I came across the Middle Eastern Dance in 1987, which I still teach worldwide.
My concern is to strengthen the public image of this art form and to position it as an equal alongside ballet, jazz and modern dance. I also expanded my intensive training with Yasmin al Ghazali (DEU) and Momo Kadous (EGY) through dance technique training in jazz dance, contemporary and contemporary ballet at the renowned IWANSON - International School of Contemporary Dance - in Munich as well as through countless workshops and stays abroad in Egypt, Argentina, China, Lebanon, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and numerous European countries.
In 2003 I developed my dance style "jomdance - jazz-oriental-modern-dance", which has the goal in particular to prepare Middle Eastern Dances for the stage and to give this type of dance the necessary background.
In order to meet the demand for a training in education and didactics in Middle Eastern dance and other ethno-cultural dance types, I studied the subject "Dance Science", where I was awarded a Master of Science degree from the Faculty of Arts in Wolverhampton (UK). and successfully completed a Master of Advanced Studies at the Sports Science Institute in Bern (CH) in 2018 and 2019. Since then I have been Program Coordinator of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Dance Science from ta.med e. V. in collaboration with the University of Bern.
Since January 2021 I am studying Master of Arts Vocational Pedagogics Educational Sciences (Social Work) at the Hamburger Fern-Hochschule.
I have been a volunteer on the board of ta.med e. V., a non-profit association for dance medicine, as well as for the website area and as a education commissioner for the training sector.
Start of studies for MA Vocational Pedagogics Educational Sciences (Social Work) at the Hamburger Fern-Hochschule
Initiator of the Dance Teacher's Certificate of the jomdance-academy
Organiser of "Said's Summer School"
Education commissioner at ta.med e.V., Coordinator of all educations and further educations of the association for dance medicine
Initiator of the Dance Teacher's Certificate of the jomdance-academy
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boots, Master Instructor, Performer, Jury Member
Organiser of "Said's Summer School"
Education commissioner at ta.med e.V., Coordinator of all educations and further educations of the association for dance medicine
Graduated form Master of Science in Dance Science (graduation with "with distinction") at the Faculty of Arts in Wolverhampton/UK
Programme Coordinator of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Dance Science: Health & Performance by ta.med e. V. and the University of Bern/CH
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boost, Master Instructor, Performer
Organiser of „Saids Summer School“ in Finning near München
Graduate as Master of Advanced Studies in Dance Science at the University of Bern/CH
Organiser of „Saids Summer School“ in Finning near München
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boost, Master Instructor, Performer
Graduated from Certificate of Advanced Studies in Dance Science: Psychology & Education at the University of Bern/CH
Organiser of „Saids Summer School“ in Finning near München
Master Instructor at Intensive in Pilsen/CZ
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boost, Master Instructor, Performer
Graduated from Certificate of Advanced Studies in Dance Science: Motor Learning & Training an der Universität Bern
Editor of the jomdance-magazine for print
Organiser of „Saids Summer School“ in Finning near München
Re-election to the Board of tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V.
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boost, Master Instructor, Performer
Graduated from Certificate of Advanced Studies in Dance Science: Health & Performance by tamed in cooperation with the University of Bern/CH
Master Instructor at the Intensive in Houston/USA
Editor of the first jomdance-magazine for print
Organiser of „Saids Summer School“ in Finning near München
Master Instructor & Performer at „Raqs, of Course“ by Randa Kamel in Cairo/EGY
Master Instructor & Performer at „Cairo by Night“, Serres/GR
World of Orient Festival in Hanover: Fair Boost, Master Instructor, Performer
Master Instructor at Intensive in Chicago/USA „Chicago Raqs“
Master Instructor at & Show-Supervisor of „Orient Dream“ in Pilsen/CZ
Performer at Encuentro International de las Danzas Árabes in Buenos Aires/AR
Organiser of the Dance Convention *jom your life ...* in München
Re-election to the Board of tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V.
Master Instructor & Performer at the first „Raqs, of Course“ by Randa Kamel in Cairo/EGY
Master Instructor & Performer at „Raks Madrid“ by Nesma Al-Andalous/ES
Workshop-Tournee through France — Nizza, Tours, Rennes
Master Instructor & Editor of the educational DVD „Get Ready To Dance Vol. 3“ & Co-Producer of „El Prince“, the accompanying CD for the Warm-up composed by Star Drummer Sayed Balaha, EGY/DEU
Editor & Publisher of the jomdance-magazin, annual magazine of the jomdance-academy
Head of Fair Boost by ESTODA & jomdance at 15th World of Orient/Hanover, Master Instructor & Performer
Columnist of the „TanzOriental — Leben in Bewegung“ www.tanzoriental.de
Organizer of the dance convention *jom your life ...* in Munich
Introduction of the new jomdance logo
Relaunch of the jomdance website
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Choreographer of the fashion show of star designer Fernando Corona from Argentina for the 14th "World of Orient", Hanover, Germany
Master Instructor and Performer at Natalie Becker's "Oasis Dance Festival" in St. Petersburg, Russia
Master Instructor and Performer at “Raks Madrid” by Nesma Al-Andalous
Choreographer and director of the full-length show *A Glance on Dance*
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Organizer of the dance convention * jom your life ... * in Munich
Re-election to the board of directors at tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V. www.tamed.de
Acquisition of the ESTODA® brand as rights holder for the European single market and Switzerland
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Lecturer at the Beiruther "Amani Oriental Festival 2012"
Lecturer at the Cairo "Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival" by Raqia Hassan
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Organizer of the dance convention * jom your life ... * in Munich
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Lecturer at the Cairo "Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival" by Raqia Hassan
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Foundation of the jomdance company on January 7th, 2010
Re-election to the board of directors at tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V. www.tamed.eu
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Organizer of the dance convention * jom your life ... * in Munich
Editor of the instructional DVD "Turn in, Turn out & Turn around Vol. 1"
Lecturer at the Cairo "Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival" by Raqia Hassan
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Co-lector of the book "Dance Medicine in Practice: Anatomy, Prevention, Training Tips" by Dr. Liane Simmel
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Editor of the warm-up DVD "Get Ready To Dance Vol. 2"
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Awarded the Halima for outstanding dance art.
Editor and publisher of the jomdance magazine, annual magazine of the jomdance academy
Choreographer and editor of the 1st DvD in Germany for professional warm-up in oriental dance "Get Ready To Dance - Vol. 1" - The warm-up of the jomdance academy
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
First time member of the board at tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V.
Columnist of the "TanzOriental - Life in Motion" www.tanzoriental.de
Workshop tour to Honolulu / Hawai'i, L.A./California, San Francisco's Rakkassah West / California, Barcelona (Spain), Firenze (Italy)
International shows and workshops in San Francisco's Rakkassah West (USA), Barcelona (Spain), Firenze (Italy)
Seit 2004
Initiation and management of the 2-year training to become a “certified jomdance stage dancer”
Independent auditor of the ESTODA training
Founding of the mobile jomdance academy
Dance training for contemporary dance at www.iwanson.de
Choreographer, co-composer, singer and actor in the 1 1/2 hour oriental music play “Im Flammenwalzer” by Magdalena Fernandez-Ritter / Berlin
Since 2000
Various television reports, as well as newspaper and radio interviews (RTL, Sat1, SWR, Radio Flora, Antenne Aachen, WDR4, TanzOriental, Halima etc.)
Since 1998
living in München
From 1995 until now
Cooperation with Yasmin al Ghazali, who lives in Spain, in the form of a Spanish-German dance partnership
Relocation and transfer of teaching activities to the Rhineland (Aachen / Eschweiler / Cologne)
Start of hairdressing training (graduation with distinction in 1993)
numerous workshops and shows in Germany and abroad
Choreographic work for the Memmingen dance group "Raqs Sharqi" by Havva
Foundation of "The Belly Dance School in Kiel" with Yasmin al Ghazali
first contact to oriental dance through his first and formative teacher Yasmin al Ghazali
Ab 1979
Participate in the music and theater groups of the Realschule Pries in Kiel with numerous appearances on national stages
First stage experience in the Kiel Opera House as solo singer of a children's choir on the occasion of the annual event "Kiel sings and plays for Kiel"
Born in Kiel/Schleswig-Holstein