What is Dance Science?
Science in & for Dance
Dance science is still a very young science compared to other sciences. In simple words, you could see dance science as a counterpart to sports science.
Building on the knowledge gained from sports science, dance science is about using the existing empirical knowledge of sports science for dance and adapting it to dance. The wheel is not reinvented, it is only adapted to the user.
Tradition meets Modern
From Tradition to Modern
As a traditional ethno-cultural dance form, Middle Eastern dance is not subject to strict rules like ballet. Still, like in any tradition, there are things you can do and others that should not be done. This requires detailed and solid background knowledge.
Like every art evolves in the course of its existence, so it is in Middle Eastern dance. From the original dance of the people (Shaabi) a stage dance has developed over the past 100 years, which is subjected to similar criteria as jazz dance, modern dance or even partly ballet. It follows that new and completely different things have to pour into the classroom in order to meet the growing demands of pupils, students and spectators.
How does jomdance use Dance Science?
Development and promotion of pedagogy and didactics in Middle Eastern dance
With the numerous but sometimes dubious dance and teaching videos on the Internet on the one hand and the often excellent performances at shows on the other hand, but also taking the knowledge into account that there is often a lot of ignorance among the teaching staff, which partly goes all the way to charlatanism, the demand for good, contemporary teaching grows, which meets the individual needs of the participants.
This is where jomdance-science comes in!
However, it is certainly clear that jomdance-science is not a science in a conventional sense. Rather, the goal of jomdance-science is to train teachers, to be able to offer teaching that is excellent in terms of pedagogy and didactics, based on scientific knowledge, and which can also be creative, individual, motivating, encouraging and demanding.
It is unimportant whether the participants have been teaching for a long time or are just thinking about giving lessons.
You can find your dates at „Bookings“.

Yasmin al Ghazali
jomdance-science, that is the quintessence of a life for oriental dance.
Said el Amir combines attention to detail from traditional folklore to the avant-garde with scientific knowledge from his (master's) studies. He imparts his knowledge through a solid theoretical background and more than 30 years of practice with a large portion of wonderful humor, which makes teaching with him not only extremely valuable, but also a pleasure.
Absolutely recommendable!

Momo Kadous
I have known Said el Amir since 1987 and since then I have expected that from him: dance, science and history combined.
This curious boy and his talent; it is no wonder that we see and find him today in the place of the dance teacher and researcher.
Said el Amir, the man with a heart and a loyal soul to oriental dance, has brought together with jomdance-science what has long belonged together. That makes me proud.